Tuesday 22 March 2016

Our second GREENING meeting minutes . . . (less boring than you might think . . .)

Fenton House, Hampstead at sunset on Sunday

We had our second Grey to Green meeting at Small and Beautiful restaurant on Saturday 19 March.

Rather than continue to have meetings we decided that it would be better to just get on with organizing the making of tree pits for the wildflower gardens and letting our neighbours see how we are getting on.

People agreed ChattertonRoadGreytoGreen was OK for the name for our street greening group.

An important idea was put forward by the children Ala and James, that Play Street

would be good for children in our road (apparently we have quite a few small children now). Across London instead of applying for planning permission to have a street closed to road traffic (as for a street party or an event), various London Councils, including Islington, will allow a street to be closed for a few hours once in a while. This gives children a chance to safely play on scooters and bikes in the road, and it gives the adults a chance to chat and meet each other in the front gardens and the road, a novel experience in a London usually taken over by cars and vans desperate to get from A to B.  Phil and Jen’s children will let us know what they find out about Play Street.

It was suggested that if we did have a street closure we might put that with an event to raise money to pay for continued greening in our road, when the government funding stops (Islington says they will give us a little money for plants, as well as advice).

The Council will arrange to take away the hard surface we need to remove (around some of the trees) so that we can replace that with soil for flowers (it is VERY heavy and dusty !).

It was suggested that we use a timescale of three months to tidy up tree bases and six months to achieve larger planters (maybe the gro-bags we talked about in earlier meetings).

The resources we’ll need to get started include :-
v    Wood or plastic to keep the soil in place around tree pits
v    Soil for planting
v    Seeds or plants to put in around the trees we make a pit for.

We HAVE made a tree pit around the tree in front of 1A and in front of 31, complete with edging, soil and plants. All those need now is watering every day for a while.
The idea that we can work together to beautify our street is a powerful one. If we are successful it is hoped this will result in greater inclusiveness and that it will change how we view our street.

We know that not everyone is in favour of the wildflower gardens and we also know that some
 people just don’t have the time to be involved. It is for everyone’s benefit, however, that we try and make our street more beautiful.

Kathleen is going to contact the Council about the idea of a cycle shed to keep our tools and materials in.

So far we have contacted the following organisations for help and advice :-

·               Islington Council - We are promised a small amount of funding and the Parks and Open Spaces Manager Mr Andrew Bedford has indeed given a range of practical help, with promise of more contacts and more help to follow. Useful links for this part of the Council are http://www.islington.gov.uk/services/parks-environment/parks/manage_greenspaces/Pages/default.aspx  and   http://www.islington.gov.uk/publicrecords/library/Environmental-protection/Information/Advice-and-information/2011-2012/(2011-05-13)-Parks-and-urban-greenspace.pdf

·               Royal Horticultural Society, RHS Wisley – They cannot donate but have offered us to become one of their community groups involved in ‘Britain in Bloom’ campaign at   https://www.rhs.org.uk/communities   and the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood ‘scheme (at the same link above). Also exciting is the opportunity to affiliate and then we could have a group outing once a year (55 people max.) to any of their wonderful gardens. They end by saying they do have a few seed packets and so I shall give them my address and we’ll have a bit more for our tree pits. They have also given us a link at   https://www.rhs.org.uk/communities/Get-Involved-Search-Results?Postcode=london&Distance=25&groupType=  where we can search for other community groups working near where we are.

·               The Gardening Club – a link at  http://www.thegardeningclub.co.uk    is a members-only group where we can buy cheap good-quality plants. It is in Enfield near Crews Hill. They’ve not offered us any donations, but I did speak to their plant expert Joe, who gave me a twenty minute interview and we chatted about the right type of plants to think about using. We can e-mail him and he will help us in the future.

·               Gillespie Ecology park – Our local nature park at    http://www.friendsofgillespiepark.co.uk and  http://www.islington.gov.uk/services/parks-environment/parks/islington_nature_reserves/gillespie/Pages/default.aspx   . They said they’d put our request for donations and help on their agenda and get back to us.

·               Kew Gardens – have asked for an address so they can send us some of their ‘Grow Wild’ seed boxes, link to find out about these at   https://www.growwilduk.com/seed-kit. They’ve also given us links at  the Grow Wild website that has extensive guides to community project growing https://www.growwilduk.com/ as well as suggesting we might like to contact Garden Organic’s North London Master Gardeners. They may have volunteer mentors in our area http://northlondon.mastergardeners.org.uk/

·               Royal parks – link at   https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks  It is Regents Park that has got back to me. Their administrative officer has asked their allotments people to check whether they have any spare seeds or other items they can donate. I shall get back and ask whether they’ve found anything.

·               Islington Gardeners – Andrew Bedford at Islington Council gave me an e-mail for Paul Thompson at this group. They’ve got a link for Arlington Square at http://www.arlingtonassociation.org.uk/ which is where they do most of their community gardening work. Paul came to see our street last week and he was quite enthusiastic about our possibilities.  Paul suggested that Ockendon Road is a successful area where tree pits have brightened up their street. Paul says his group do have seeds to spare and so I’ll be getting back and asking if we may have some. Paul has invited us to their Spring event at   https://islingtongardeners.org.uk which will be a talk from speakers with six different community gardens, on Tuesday 22 March, details at   https://islingtongardeners.org.uk/events/   They’ll be having a plant sale in April, and that might be fun.

·              Capel Manor College -  link at    http://www.capel.ac.uk   and     http://www.capelmanorgardens.co.uk   is primarily a learning college for horticulture and farm work including animals. They’ve also got gardens to visit and it’s altogether a very busy place.   Two of us are going to meet their Head of Horticulture and Landscaping Sarah in a couple of weeks. She is VERY enthusiastic about ‘greening’ the ‘grey’ and ‘brown’ spaces in urban areas; I’ve said we want to find out about the range of plants that can survive well in poor soil, lightly watered, and sometimes trampled, in a public space.                                               

I’ve asked for people’s e-mail and telephone number details, for the dozen or so residents who want to help get our street greening underway. I intend to write everyone’s details on a sheet and distribute this to all those who’ve been coming to meeting, if that’s OK.

In conclusion, so far we have achieved the following :-
Ø    Two brand-new tree pits complete with plants and blooms
Ø    Another new tree pit by next weekend is promised
Ø    Several more tree pits are ready to be made
Ø    Promise of money from the Council
Ø    Quite a few links to other groups doing Greening in our area
Ø    Links to helpful organisations
Ø    A sense of purpose amongst those involved
Ø    The start of street beautification is underway

Everyone so far involved welcomes you to come along and get involved. It’s not a full-time or a permanent job, we do what we can when we can spare the time.
Initial contact is through Franc at 1A, or through any of your neighbours who are involved. It’s very informal and we are getting exercise, networking and having a great time.
So far Franc has a file with correspondence and contacts, and you’re welcome to have a look through it.  We don’t know what the future holds but we are pretty enthusiastic about greening our street.
I, Franc, am maintaining a blog at http://chattertonroadgreytogreen.blogspot.co.uk which is where these minutes can be found (it’s too expensive to keep printing lots of pages so everyone has a copy through their door. If you want a printed-out copy please ask Franc at 1A.) Alternatively we could add you to an e-mail list, and you’d get a digital copy when we have a new blog post about our road. Write your e-mail details and put it through Franc’s door at 1A, please.

We are dropping a single-sheet leaflet through your door this week. It will give the highlights of our project so far, and lists our next steps.
We MAY have another meeting, if people feel we need to.

Cheers, Franc & Annette, Flis and Matt, Kathleen, Jeremy, Jen and Phil and Ala and James, and Karl, and a few more who’ve expressed an interest including Cassie, Jodie, Sandy, Tom and Sarah.

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